{{::'API DOWN ERROR!' | translate}}% {{::'Something went wrong. Please check your internet connection and try again.' | translate}} 

 {{::'NOT FOUND!' | translate}}% {{::'We could not find the page you were looking for.' | translate}} 

 {{::'API ERROR!' | translate}}% {{::'Something went wrong with your request.' | translate}} 

 {{::'Connection offline. Data may not be up to date.' | translate}}


{{::'API DOWN ERROR' | translate}}

{{::'Something went wrong. Please check your internet connection and try again. If the problem persists we may be currently in the middle of updating the website.' | translate}}

{{::'NOT FOUND' | translate}}

{{::'We could not find the page you were looking for.' | translate}}

{{'Homepage' | translate}} {{::'Homepage' | translate}} {{::'Homepage' | translate}}

{{::'SOMETHING WENT WRONG' | translate}}

{{::'Something went wrong with your request.' | translate}}


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